Tombot Engineering Updates and Q3 2021 Goals!

by Tombot Robotics




Jennie is an emotional support dog who provides the relief, love and companionship of a real emotional support animal by interacting with you through facial expressions, head movements, and eye contact. 

We have exciting plans for Jennie in the upcoming months. The primary development focus through Q3 is the pre-production of Jennie, which will allow us to scale individual features, and  implement certain features in parallel.  

Pre-Production Engineering on Jennie

We’re currently scaling developments on the prototype hardware and software for Jennie. Right now, we're in phase one. The product of phase one-engineering will be high-level architectures for the head and neck, the tail mechanisms, as well as voice and sound capabilities, firmware and power management systems.

Related Article: Meet Jennie

Tombot’s Q3 Goals

Tombot’s goals for this third quarter will be the completion of phase one by the quarter end  on October 31st.

Additionally, we're hiring another software developer. If you know anybody who might like to work on cute robotic puppies, please send them our way!

Invest in Tombot on StartEngine!

We're looking to raise another million and a half dollars to further develop Jennie, through our StartEngine campaign as well as direct investment.

Early investors will have the opportunity to join our upcoming semi-annual investor call, where we discuss additional Tombot updates!

Be the first to know by signing up for our email newsletter here, and if you haven't already done so, join us as a Tombot investor on StartEngine.

Learn more about our investment opportunity by reading the following blog articles: